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[. . . ] 6. 1_FSW_PC_Mnl_FRA. qxd 31. 08. 2004 18:09 Uhr Seite U1 M A N U E L D ' U T I L I S AT I O N 6. 1_FSW_PC_Mnl_FRA. qxd 31. 08. 2004 18:09 Uhr Seite U2 6. 1_FSW_PC_Mnl_FRA. qxd 31. 08. 2004 18:09 Uhr Seite 1 Sommaire 2 3 4 4 5 7 8 10 12 14 15 16 18 18 MOUT: Actions militaires en milieu urbain Le conflit Un règne de terreur Rapport de renseignement géopolitique : le Zekistan Système de visualisation frontale Evaluation de l'environnement Aperçu des ordres Déplacement des soldats Ordres de tir Effets des tirs Emploi des abris contre les menaces Grenades Ordres de tir individuels Outils du chef d'équipe 18 · Compte rendu radio 19 · Système de localisation par satellite 20 · Sauvegarde de votre progression 20 · Ralentis 20 · Poste d'évacuation des blessés 21 · Profils 21 · Echec de la mission 22 23 24 24 26 30 32 68 Options Jeu en coopération Menu En ligne Options En ligne Glossaire Contrat de licence Garantie limitée à 90 jours Générique 1 6. 1_FSW_PC_Mnl_FRA. qxd 31. 08. 2004 18:09 Uhr Seite 2 MOUT : Military Operations in Urban Terrain (Actions militaires en milieu urbain) Vous dirigez un groupe d'infanterie légère débarquée composé de soldats remarquablement formés sachant comment opérer en milieu hostile densément peuplé. Tout ce qui concerne ce groupe - des soldats au matériel en passant par la tactique est le fruit d'une préparation rigoureuse et d'années d'expérience sur le terrain. Respectez cette expérience, soldat, car c'est elle qui maintiendra vos hommes en vie. Ce manuel de campagne comprend les fondements qui vous permettront de débuter. [. . . ] He spent time growing up in England, France, and eventually attended university in the U. S. Sometime in the late seventies, Al Afad moved to Pakistan. His whereabouts during this time are unknown, but he resurfaced three years later in Afghanistan, fighting the Soviet occupiers alongside Afghan Mujahideen. Trained by the CIA he swiftly climbed the ranks of the Afghan freedom fighters and gained a formidable reputation amongst the Soviet commanders, earning the nickname "The Lion of Khyber". A narrow escape from Soviet capture found him fleeing across the border into Zekistan where he was embraced by the ZLF and given command of his own unit. His actions in the ZLF made him a folk hero to the Zekis, but his bid for power was hindered by Western involvement. The CIA had watched Al Afad's assent closely, and feared that his ties to terrorist groups and radical fundamentalists would prove perilous to western interests in the region. 37 6. 2_FSW_PC_Mnl_DUT. qxd 31. 08. 2004 18:25 Uhr Seite 38 Reign of Terror As soon as Al Afad seized control of Zekistan, he began a steady process of converting the country to his own brand of fundamentalist worship. While many foreign settlers were driven out and persecuted, the group that fared by far the worst was the ethnic Zekis, the nomadic mountain people that had originally settled the region thousands of years ago. During the Soviet occupation, Al Afad accused the ethnic Zekis of serving their own interests and aiding the Soviets. In 1996, the UN met to discuss the allegations that Al Afad was ordering genocide of the ethnic Zeki males and sponsoring forced sterilisation of ethnic Zeki women. The UN agreed to levy sanctions against the country, which resulted in little more than exacerbating the already dangerous levels of poverty and famine that were sweeping the country. Geopolitical Intelligence Report: Zekistan Excerpt from Under the Gun ­ A Brief History of the War on Terror, by Liam A. Gomez, Harper Jones Press, London 2004. A Cultural Crossroads The tiny desert nation of Zekistan is nestled between modern day Afghanistan, Pakistan, and China, occupying an arid landscape of desert plains and rugged mountains. Once a cultural crossroads, it has been located at the edge of Arab, Chinese, Indian and European civilisation for three thousand years and has served as a meeting place for scholars, merchants, pilgrims, and invaders. Its history has always been punctuated by violence and bloodshed. At various points it has been conquered by the Mongols, Alexander the Great, the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Turks and the British Empire. Zekistan The greatest threat, however, emerged in 1917 with the Bolshevik Revolution. Just as the October Revolution signaled doom to the Romanov Empire, so did it cast a foreboding shadow over Zekistan and its neighbors. It wasn't long before the tiny nation was absorbed into the Soviet Union, occupied by yet another foreign army. The Soviet Era The ethnic Zekis proved to be ferocious mountain fighters, and for fourteen years they managed to hold off the Soviet invaders. The resistance movement resulted 38 6. 2_FSW_PC_Mnl_DUT. qxd 31. 08. 2004 18:25 Uhr Seite 39 Geopolitical Intelligence Report: Zekistan in artificial famine, the removal of entire villages and the destruction of a cultural identity. Once under the yoke of Soviet rule, the U. S. S. R. made sure that the Zeki rebels would never stand a chance of reorganising. Funding for agriculture, education, industry and infrastructure was perilously low, while the Soviets used Zekistan as a veritable slave camp to mine the region's rich deposits of coal, zinc, silver and natural gas. It wasn't until the late 60's that the Zekistan Liberation Front was secretly formed and began waging guerilla warfare against the Soviets. [. . . ] Alvarez NIKA FUTTERMAN NATO British Officer JD CULLUM 69 6. 2_FSW_PC_Mnl_DUT. qxd 31. 08. 2004 18:26 Uhr Seite 70 Référence rapide COMMANDES ÉLÉMENTAIRES Bouton gauche de la souris ou touche Ctrl droite Appuyer en l'absence de curseur pour activer un secteur de tir. Appuyer pour confirmer un ordre de mouvement. Appuyer pour confirmer un secteur de tir. Appuyer longuement pour ordonner un tir de suppression. [. . . ]


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