Mode d'emploi HUSQVARNA 536LIHE3

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Mode d'emploi HUSQVARNA 536LIHE3
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Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice HUSQVARNA 536LIHE3

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] Operator’s manual 536LiHE3 Please read the operator’s manual carefully and make sure you understand the instructions before using the machine. English Downloaded from www. Manualslib. com manuals search engine KEY TO SYMBOLS Symbols on the machine: Translation of the original Swedish operating instruction. Incorrect or careless use of a hedge trimmer can turn it into a dangerous tool that can cause serious or even fatal injury. It is extremely important that you read and understand the contents of this operator's manual. Please read the operator’s manual carefully and make sure you understand the instructions before using the machine. [. . . ] The life span or the runtime of the machine can be reduced and the risk of accidents can increase if machine maintenance is not carried out correctly and if service and/or repairs are not carried out professionally. If you need further information please contact your nearest service workshop. All servicing and repair work on the machine requires special training. This is especially true of the machine′s safety equipment. If your machine fails any of the checks described below you must contact your service agent. When you buy any of our products we guarantee the availability of professional repairs and service. If the retailer who sells your machine is not a servicing dealer, ask him for the address of your nearest service agent. ! ! English – 9 Downloaded from www. Manualslib. com manuals search engine GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ! WARNING!Never use a machine with faulty safety equipment. The machine's safety equipment must be checked and maintained as described in this section. If your machine fails any of these checks contact your service agent to get it repaired. arrangement means that the power trigger is automatically locked at no operation state. 1 Control panel Make sure the machine is switched on or off when the activate/deactivate button (1) is pressed and held (>1 sec. ). The green LED (2) is lit or turned off. 2 Turn on the machine. Make sure the power trigger is locked when the power trigger lock is in its original position. (3) (2) (1) Flashing warning indicator (3) and green LED (2) is lit could indicate that: • it is not possible to apply full power and, at the same time, activate the machine. Release the power trigger and the machine is active. Remove the twigs, branches or other materials that are jammed in the blades. the machine is overloaded due to heavy trimming. Release the power trigger and the machine is active. Check that the power trigger and the power trigger lockout move freely and that the return spring works properly. Press the power trigger lockout and make sure it returns to its original position when released. • • If the warning symbol (3) flashes, it indicates that the machine is too hot and the machine deactivates. When the machine is restored to normal temperature it is again ready to run and you can activate the machine. Solid red warning light (3) indicates service. Power trigger lockout The power trigger is designed to prevent accidental operation. It is necessary to press both the power trigger lockout and the power trigger. The order actuation power trigger lockout and power trigger doesn’t matter. [. . . ] Check that all controls are undamaged and in working order. Check that the cutter and cutter guard are not damaged or cracked. Replace the cutter or cutter guard if they have been exposed to impact or if they are cracked. Replace the cutting unit if it is damaged. [. . . ]


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