Mode d'emploi THEBEN LU 112

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Mode d'emploi THEBEN LU 112
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Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice THEBEN LU 112

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] Il peut également annoncer l'arrivée de visiteurs par déclenchement d'un flash. En plus des caractéristiques ci-dessus, l'émetteur LU 112/105 HF présente d'autres fonctions remarquables à savoir: · Envoi de différents signaux selon les objets détectés dans différentes directions. · Installation aisée au plafond, au mur, sur une table. . . · Réglage de la portée de détection par rotation du corps du détecteur à 90° vers la droite ou vers la gauche. [. . . ] 9 Install the sensor at a proper place without Influence by the door open/close movement. Fig. 10 Avoid installing the sensor at the place where will be activated by the door open/close movement easily. 19 6. Measure the distance between the Transmitter and the Receiver before installation. Make sure Transmitter LU 112/105 HF is mounted in effective working range. Avoid installing Transmitter LU 112/105 HF near aluminum alloy or thick metal that will shorten the transmission distance. Keep it away at least 1M. Manuale_LU101_105HF 2004. 3. 3 2:54 PM Page 20 B. Detection range (1) Choose a proper installation position for Transmitter LU 112/105 HF where it can work excellently with the combined Receiver. (2) LU 112/105 HF can be mounted on the door, wall, put on the table (1 ~ 1. 5M height from the floor) and ceiling (Max. 2. 5M height from the floor) (See Fig. 11). Fig. Avoid Nuisance Triggering · Avoid moving directly toward the sensor but move across it to obtain more sensitivity (See Fig. 12). Fig. 11 More sensitive Less sensitive Manuale_LU101_105HF 2004. 3. 3 2:54 PM Page 21 · Avoid any kind of lighting sources aiming directly to the window of sensor (See Fig. 13). Fig. Replace bottom cover, and make sure the wires go through from the reserved knock hole (See Fig. 28 24 AC Adaptor Reserved knock hole DC 12V Fig. 29 Manuale_LU101_105HF 2004. 3. 3 2:54 PM Page 25 TEST AND ADJUSTMENT A. LED Function LED is mainly designed as the Indicator while sensor is working normally. When moving object is across the detection zone, LU 112/105 HF Transmitter is triggered with LED ON for about 2 seconds and then turn off (See Fig. Walk Test LU 112/105 HF automatically works when power turns on. If necessary, you can use Walk Test to test and adjust the detection zone, which helps to make it work properly. Aim the Transmitter LU 112/105 HF across the desired detection zone. Warm up the Transmitter for about 30 seconds. Make sure whether Transmitter and the combined Receiver have been set with the same channel. Make sure LED of Transmitter LU 112/105 HF works normally. [. . . ] Quando un oggetto mobile attraversa la zona di rilevamento, il trasmettitore LU 112/105 HF si attiva e il LED si accende per circa 2 secondi, poi si spegne (Vedi Fig. Test del passaggio Il trasmettitore LU 112/105 HF funziona automaticamente quando si trova sotto tensione. Se necessario, per testare l'apparecchio potete utilizzare il test del passaggio. Camminando, regolate la zona di rilevamento, questo permetterà di farlo funzionare correttamente. [. . . ]


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