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Mode d'emploi TOSHIBA MCY-MAP0601HT
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Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice TOSHIBA MCY-MAP0601HTINSTALLATION MANUAL

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] VOLUME-1 INSTALLATION MANUAL MANUEL DINSTALLATION INSTALLATIONS-HANDBUCH MANUALE DI INSTALLAZIONE MANUAL DE INSTALACIÓN Mini-SMMS Mini-SMMS Mini-SMMS Mini-SMMS Mini-SMMS MULTI SYSTEM AIR CONDITIONER CLIMATISEUR KLIMASYSTEM CONDIZIONATORE D'ARIA DE AIRE ACONDICIONADO Outdoor Unit Unité extérieure Außengerät Unità esterna Unidad exterior Model/ Modèle / Modell / Modello / Modelo MCY-MAP0401HT MCY-MAP0401HT2D MCY-MAP0501HT MCY-MAP0501HT2D MCY-MAP0601HT MCY-MAP0601HT2D ADOPTION OF NEW REFRIGERANT This air conditioner features a new HFC type refrigerant (R-410A) which does not deplete the ozone layer. Thank you very much for purchasing TOSHIBA Air Conditioner. · This manual describes the installation method at the outdoor unit side. · Before installation, please read this Manual thoroughly to perform correct installation. · For pipe connection for the indoor and outdoor units, flow selector unit Y-shape branching joint or branch header required sold separately. [. . . ] to be changed at the next time. Repeat the procedure 4 to 6 and change the indoor address so that it is not duplicated. UNIT After the above change, push If it is acceptable, push TEST button to confirm the changed contents. button to finish confirmation. CODE No. SET DATA SETTING UNIT No. R. C. No. TEMP. ON / OFF 3 5 8 1 1 2 3 TIMER SET TIME FILTER RESET TEST SET CL FAN SWING/FIX UNIT MODE VENT 4 2, 6, 7 Operation procedure 4 5 6 7 8 End 33 · To change all the indoor addresses from an arbitrary wired remote controller. (When the setup operation for automatic address has finished, this change is available. ) Contents : Using an arbitrary wired remote controller, the indoor unit address can be changed for each unit within the same refrigerant system. * Change the address in the address check/change mode. [Procedure] (Operation while air conditioner stops) 1 2 3 Push the timer time + TEST buttons simultaneously for 4 seconds or more. Firstly, the line 1, item code AC (Address Change) is displayed. Using UNIT / SWING/FIX buttons, select the line address. Push button. · The indoor address, which is connected to the refrigerant system of the selected header unit is displayed and the fan is turned on. First the current indoor address is displayed on the setup data. (Line address is not displayed. ) The indoor address of the setup data moves up/down by the timer time Change the setup data to a new address. Push SET SET 4 5 6 7 8 / buttons. button to determine the setup data. UNIT Every pushing button, the indoor unit numbers in the same refrigerant line are successively displayed. Only fan of the selected indoor unit operates. Repeat the procedure to and change all the indoor addresses so that they are not duplicated. 46 Push button. (All the displays on LCD go on. ) Push TEST button to finish the procedure. SET CODE No. SET DATA SETTING UNIT No. CODE No. SET DATA SETTING UNIT No. R. C. No. R. C. No. TEMP. ON / OFF TEMP. ON / OFF TIMER SET FAN SWING/FIX UNIT MODE VENT 1 3 TIME FILTER RESET TEST SET CL 2 4 8 TIMER SET TIME FILTER RESET TEST SET CL FAN SWING/FIX UNIT MODE VENT 6 Deletion of line selection 5, 7 Operation procedure To finish the set Here, if the unit No. is not called up, the header unit in this system does not exist. CL button, and then select a line Push according to procedure . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 End 2 34 6 ADDRESS SETUP Clearance of address (Return to status (Address undecided) at shipment from factory) Method 1 An address is individually cleared from a wired remote controller. "0099" is set up to line address, indoor address, and group address data from the wired remote controller. (For the setup procedure, refer to the above-mentioned address setup from the wired remote controller. ) Method 2 Clear the indoor addresses in the same refrigerant system from the outdoor unit. Turn off the power of the refrigerant system to be returned to the status at shipment from factory, and change the outdoor unit to the following status. 1) Remove the relay connector between [U1U2] and [U3U4]. (If it has been already removed, leave it as it is. ) 2) Turn on SW30-2 on the interface P. C. (If it has been already ON, leave it as it is. ) Central control device U1 U2 U3 U4 Center unit U3 U4 U3 U4 Center unit U3 U4 Outdoor unit U1 U2 U1 U2 Outdoor unit U1 U2 Outdoor unit U1 U2 AB U1 U2 AB U1 U2 AB U1 U2 AB U1 U2 AB Remote controller Remote controller Remote controller Remote controller Unit of which address is to be returned to the initial status 2. Turn on the indoor/outdoor power of which address is to be cleared. - - -" is displayed, and then execute the following operation on the interface P. C. board of the outdoor unit of which address is to be cleared in the refrigerant system. SW01 2 SW02 1 SW03 2 SW04 After checking that "A. d. buS" is displayed on 7-degment display, and then push SW04 for 5 seconds or more. [. . . ] · Ne faites pas fonctionner le climatiseur dans un mode autre que [COOL (FROID)] ou [HEAT (CHAUD)]. · La fonction de commande de température est désactivée durant l'essai de fonctionnement. · La détection de pannes est exécutée comme d'habitude. 4 5 Après l'essai de fonctionnement, appuyez sur la touche arrêter l'essai de fonctionnement. (L'affichage est identique à celui de la procédure 1 ) ON / OFF pour Appuyez sur la touche TEST pour annuler (désactiver) le mode Essai de fonctionnement. [. . . ]


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