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Mode d'emploi TOSHIBA TCB-IFCB-4E2
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Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice TOSHIBA TCB-IFCB-4E2INSTALLATION MANUAL

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] <Installation Manual> NAME :Remote location ON/OFF Control box Model Name : TCB-IFCB-4E Usage/Function/Characteristics Start and Stop of the air conditioner is possible by the external signal, and also indication of operation/alarm to outside is possible. Monitoring The following monitoring are corresponded to output by non-voltage contact. 1) ON/OFF status (for indoor unit) 2) Alarm status (System & indoor unit stop) ON/OFF command ON/OFF Air conditioner can be turned ON/OFF by the external signals. [. . . ] 300 78 22 22 78 66 63. 6 5 3 Approx. 1500 6 146. 9 156 170 4 22 78 78 22 (NOTE) Do not install the accessory parts at the following locations. 1. Location where combustible gas may leak 2. Location where direct sunlight shines 3. Location with much humidity such as bathroom, kitchen, etc. Location where rain or dew drops such as outdoors or under the eaves 6. Location in 1m-range of TV or radio No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Case unit Case cover Name Specification Galvanized steel 0. 8t Galvanized steel 0. 8t UL1015 AWG18 tip-insulation type butt connector 3-core, 0. 75mm2 UL1015 AWG18 tip-insulation type butt connector Harness to connect indoor unit P. C. board CN61 connector Harness for indication cable Harness for power supply Harness for ON/OFF command 155 Accesory parts Accessory No. 1 connecting cables are already built in. No. 1 2 Name M4 tapping screw , Q ty Remarks Cable (For CN61 connector, with 6P connectors to both ends, L=1. 5m) 1 pcs. For installation of this control box Performance/Electric cabling diagram Remote location for ON/OFF control box P. C. board for Indoor unit COM Power input AC220-240V TP3 TP1 TP2 TP4 TP5 ON Black Red Earth Screw Transformer Gray Blue Wired Remote controller OFF CN61 CN06 A B Electric parts box of indoor unit TP7 TP8 TP9 TP10 White Yellow Pink ALARM COMP. COM Power supply 220-240V, 50Hz 220V, 60Hz * * : Tab terminal : Butt terminal L1 L2 Non-voltage ON/OFF continuous signal (Note) * For connecting, be sure to use the attached cables. * Cables other than connecting cables should be required at the site. * Fix the cables surely by using the holes for fixation. Power supply MAX. [. . . ] To drive induction load with AC power Surge absorber RY OPERATION RY Surge absorber ALARM Indication signal cable Power supply cable COM Interface side Central side Cable clamp Earth terminal Cable clamp (Note) Mount surge absorbers to both ends of the relay coil. Use a surge absorber of which voltage tightness is 350V AC/500V DC or more. 156 [. . . ]


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