UneNotice offre un service communautaire de partage, d'archivage en ligne et de recherche de documentation relative à l'utilisation de matériels ou logiciels : notice, mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, guide d'installation, manuel technique... N'OUBLIEZ PAS DE LIRE LE MODE D'EMPLOI AVANT D'ACHETER!
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Vous possédez un AUDIOLINE POWERTEL M6700I, avec UneNotice, vous allez pouvoir mieux l'utiliser. Si vous avez un problème avec votre AUDIOLINE POWERTEL M6700I, pensez à consulter les dernières pages du mode d'emploi qui contiennent souvent les principales solutions.
Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice AUDIOLINE POWERTEL M6700I
Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.
[. . . ] PowerTel M6900
mobile phone
Operating Instructions
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Hearing aid compatibility
This telephone is equipped with T Coil coupler making it compatible with most popular hearing aids. Due to the wide range of hearing aids available there is no guarantee that the telephone will function with all hearing aid models. Please check your hearing aid immunity rating is higher than M2. This rating can be provided by the manufacturer of your hearing aid. [. . . ] Press Options and select from the following options: Reply: Reply to the number from which the text was sent.
Helpline 0844 800 6503
(See page 67 for costs and hours of operation)
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Call sender: Call the sender on the phone. Forward: Forward the text to a different number. Advanced Use number: You can make a call to the sender, store the number in the phonebook or send a SMS to the number. Copy to phone/to SIM: Copy the SMS from the SIM card to the phone or from the phone to the SIM card. Move to phone/to SIM: Move the SMS from the SIM card to the phone or from the phone to the SIM card.
(See page 67 for costs and hours of operation)
Helpline 0844 800 6503
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“Call center“ menu
A new call is shown on the display. •
Press Back to delete the message. The icon for a new call appears in the display. You can see this call “normally“ in the Missed calls list.
• •
Press View, to read the caller’s name and number. For further options please refer to the following chapter. .
Reading the calls list
• • Press Menu, select Call center -> Call history. Select Missed calls, Dialled calls or Received calls. In these lists you will have the following options: Press Options and select one of the following options: View: Read the details. Send text message: Send a SMS to the phone number.
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(See page 67 for costs and hours of operation)
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Add to block list: Add the entry to the block list. Edit before call: Edit the phone number before calling back. Delete: Delete the entry.
Deleting the calls list
• • • Press Menu, select Call center -> Call history. Select a list to delete Dialled calls, Missed calls, Received calls or Delete all and press OK. Press Yes in the following confirmation query.
(See page 67 for costs and hours of operation)
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Call settings
After pressing Menu -> Call center -> Call settings you have the following options: • Call waiting: Settings for an incoming call if you are already in a conversation. • Activate: The second call will generate a short beep in the earpiece. Deactivate: The second caller will get the busy tone. Query status: Information on the current setting. Divert all voice calls: You can Activate a call diversion for all voice calls (enter subsequently a destination or select To voicemail, if you want to divert to your voice mail box), deactivate a diversion or get information on the current setting with Query status. Call divert: Settings for call diversion.
(See page 67 for costs and hours of operation)
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Divert if unreachable: Call diversion, if your phone is not available (switched off or “No network“). For information on settings please refer to “Divert all voice calls“.
Divert if no answer: Call diversion, if you do not accept the call. [. . . ] To view the complete Declaration of Conformity, please refer to the free download available on our web site www. amplicomms. com
• Clean the housing surfaces with a soft, fluff−free cloth. Do not use any cleaning agents or solvents.
(See page 67 for costs and hours of operation)
Helpline 0844 800 6503
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AMPLICOMMS equipment is produced and tested according to the latest production methods. The implementation of carefully chosen materials and highly developed technologies ensure trouble−free functioning and a long service life. The terms of guarantee do not apply when a device malfunction was caused by the mobile telecommunications network operator/provider. [. . . ]
UneNotice offre un service communautaire de partage, d'archivage en ligne et de recherche de documentation relative à l'utilisation de matériels ou logiciels : notice, mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, guide d'installation, manuel technique... En aucun cas, UneNotice ne pourra être tenu responsable si le document que vous recherchez n'est pas disponible, incomplet, dans une langue différente de la votre ou si la désignation et la langue ne correspondent pas. UneNotice, en particulier, n'assure pas de service de traduction.
Cliquez sur "Télécharger la notice" si vous en acceptez les termes du présent contrat, le téléchargement de la notice AUDIOLINE POWERTEL M6700I débutera alors.