Mode d'emploi BMW I3

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Mode d'emploi BMW I3
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Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice BMW I3

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] At page 7, under the heading “Body work and working on the high-voltage system, ” the text of that section should be disregarded and the following text should be read in lieu thereof: “BMW recommends to have modifications and work on the vehicle only be carried out by an authorized BMW i service center or one that operates according to BMW i specifications with personnel trained accordingly. [. . . ] At page 189, under the heading: “Service and Warranty Information Booklet for US models and Warranty and Service Guide Booklet for Canadian models, ” the second paragraph should be disregarded and the following text read in lieu thereof: The manufacturer of your vehicle recommends that you have maintenance and repair performed by your BMW dealer's service center or another service center or repair shop that employs trained personnel that can perform maintenance and repair work on your vehicle in accordance with BMW specifications. , re‐ pair services, service processes, warranty claims, quality assurance, this technical infor‐ mation can be read out from the event and fault memories by the service personnel, in‐ cluding the manufacturer, using special diag‐ nostic tools. 01 40 2 960 865 - II/15 67 Controls Driving Driving in detail: eDRIVE Hints Awareness of vehicle reduced when driven in electric mode When driving in electric mode, note that, due to the lack of engine noise, pedestrians and other traffic might pay less attention to the ve‐ hicle due to missing engine noises. 01 40 2 960 865 - II/15 Climate control Controls 5 6 7 8 9 Vent settings AUTO program Maximum cooling Remove ice and condensation Rear window defroster 10 Automatic recirculated-air control/recircu‐ lated-air mode 11 Seat heating, right  54 12 Activated driving mode display  155 13 Air flow, AUTO intensity Hints Sufficient ventilation When remaining in the vehicle for an ex‐ tended period of time, ensure sufficient exter‐ nal ventilation. To change the zone setting, press the con‐ trol button quickly and repeatedly until the number of the compass zone that corre‐ sponds with your location appears in the mirror. Charging operation Hints Following safety instructions of the power mains connection During the charging process, heed the safety instructions of the respective power mains connection. [. . . ] 01 40 2 960 865 - II/15 211 Reference Everything from A to Z Cruising range 83 Current fuel consumption 87 D Damage, tires 176 Data, technical 206 Daytime running lights 91 Defrosting, refer to Windows, defrosting 129, 132 Dehumidifying, air 129, 131 Deleting personal data 24 Deletion of personal data 24 Departure times, stationary climate control 134 Digital clock 83 Digital compass 137 Dimensions 206 Dimmable exterior mirrors 58 Dimmable interior rearview mirror 58 Direction indicator, refer to Turn signals 71 Display for performance and energy recovery 77 Display lighting, refer to In‐ strument lighting 91 Displays 75 Displays, cleaning 203 Displays, eDRIVE system 76 Displays, high-voltage sys‐ tem 76 Disposal, coolant 187 Disposal, vehicle battery 194 Distance control, refer to PDC 118 Divided screen view, split screen 23 Door lock 43 Door lock, refer to Remote control 38 Drive display 77 Drive-off assistant 109 Drive-off assistant, refer to DSC 107 Drive readiness in detail 65 Drive readiness, switching off 67 Drive readiness, switching on 65 Driving Dynamics Con‐ trol 108 Driving in detail 68 Driving instructions, breakin 148 Driving instructions, eDRIVE drive system 148 Driving mode 108 Driving notes, general 149 Driving, refer to drive readi‐ ness in detail 65 Driving stability control sys‐ tems 107 Driving, Start/Stop button 64 Driving style analysis 157 Driving tips 149 DSC Dynamic Stability Con‐ trol 107 DTC Dynamic Traction Con‐ trol 108 Dynamic Stability Control DSC 107 Dynamic Traction Control DTC 108 E ECO PRO 155 ECO PRO+ 155 ECO PRO display 155 ECO PRO driving mode 155 ECO PRO driving style analy‐ sis 157 ECO PRO mode 155 ECO PRO Tip - driving in‐ struction 156 eDRIVE drive system, driving instructions 148 eDRIVE, electric driving, see BMW eDRIVE 32 eDrive system, at a glance 31 eDRIVE system, displays 76 EfficientDynamics 157 Electric driving 68 Electric driving, see BMW eDRIVE 32 Electric range 83 Electronic Stability Program ESP, refer to DSC 107 Emergency charging, refer to Backup charging 168 Emergency detection, remote control 39 Emergency release, fuel filler flap 170 Emergency Request 196 Emergency start function, en‐ gine start 39 Emergency unlocking, trans‐ mission lock 67 Energy Control 87 Energy recovery, display‐ ing 77 Energy recovery, driving sta‐ bility control systems 107 Engine coolant 186 Engine oil 184 Engine oil, adding 185 Engine start during malfunc‐ tion 39 Engine start, jump-start‐ ing 197 Entering a car wash 200 Equipment, interior 135 Error displays, see Check Control 78 ESP Electronic Stability Pro‐ gram, refer to DSC 107 Exchanging wheels/tires 176 Exhaust system 149 Exterior mirror, automatic dimming feature 58 Exterior mirrors 57 External start 197 External temperature dis‐ play 82 External temperature warn‐ ing 82 212 Online Edition for Part no. [. . . ]


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