Mode d'emploi BRANDT FXTG4B

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Mode d'emploi BRANDT FXTG4B
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Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice BRANDT FXTG4B

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] Petites pannes et anomalies Guide de cuisson gaz Guide de cuisson de la plaque lectrique tout au long de la notice, vous signale les consignes de scurit, vous signale les conseils et les astuces 3 99625732_ML_B. qxd 16/12/02 11:04 Page 4 Edito Chre Cliente, Cher Client, Vous venez d'acqurir une table BRANDT et nous vous en remercions. Nos quipes de recherche ont conu pour vous une nouvelle gnration d'appareils pour cuisiner chaque jour avec plaisir. Avec des lignes pures et une esthtique moderne, votre nouvelle table BRANDT s'intgre harmonieusement dans votre cuisine et allie parfaitement facilit d'utilisation et performances de cuisson. Vous trouverez galement dans la gamme des produits Brandt, un vaste choix de fours, de hottes aspirantes, de lave-vaisselle et de rfrigrateurs intgrables, que vous pourrez coordonner votre nouvelle table BRANDT. [. . . ] The gas tap is closed when the control knob is in position "" . Choose the gas burner you need using the symbols at the side of each control knob; (E. g. Your hob is equipped with an automatic lighting system integrated into each control knob. To ignite a burner, press down and turn the knob anti-clockwise until it is pointing to the maximum position . This will trigger off a series of sparks that will light up the burner. Adjust the flame to the height your require by turning the control knob between the and symbols. A Lighting a hob fitted WITH DEVICE (depending on model) The safety system for the burners is a metal rod next to the flame. Choose the gas burner you need using the symbols at the side of each control knob; (E. g. back right-hand burner ). A SAFETY Each burner is controlled by a tap fitted with a safety system, which cuts the gas off automatically if ever the flame goes out by accident (overflowing, drafts, etc. ). Your hob is equipped with an automatic lighting system integrated into each control knob. To ignite a burner, press down and turn the knob anti-clockwise juntil it is pointing to the maximum position . Adjust the flame to the height your require by turning the control knob between the and symbols. To set off the safety system, keep the knob pressed completely down for a few seconds after the flame has lit up. Sparker Gas safety device (depending on model) - If ever your flame goes out, relight it as per normal procedure. Dry each burner element carefully before re-lighting your hob. - Non-abrasive cream. - Household sponge. - The electric hotplate is protected by a black surface coating. Therefore, avoid using any abrasive products. After use, wipe it clean - Renovating product with an oily cloth. - If ever a electric hotplate starts to rust, remove the rust with (with emery paper or similar) and re-coat the electric hotplate with a high-temperature renovating product to be found at your local distributor. - Use polishing cream for cleaning the enamel on the hob. - Never allow any acid liquids such as lemon juice, vinegar, etc. - Use a sponge and soapy water or a standard stainless steel cleaner for cleaning the stainless steel parts on your hob. - Standard stainless steel cleaning product Looking after enamel or stainless steel. - It is better to clean the elements of your hob by hand, do not put any parts in the dishwasher. - Never use scouring pads for cleaning your hob. 43 99625732_ML_B. qxd 16/12/02 11:05 Page 44 Minor troubleshooting You have doubts about whether your hob is working correctly . . . . [. . . ] 3 99625732_ML_B. qxd 16/12/02 11:06 Page 81 () . - , . / -/- - (), (. : , . 4 81 99625732_ML_B. qxd 16/12/02 11:06 Page 82 () FR - GR - GB - PT : FR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ]


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