Mode d'emploi BRANDT KG790X

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Mode d'emploi BRANDT KG790X
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Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice BRANDT KG790X

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] IT GB FR Libretto istruzioni per l'installazione e l'uso di cucine a gas, miste ed elettriche. Serie: Instructions for use and maintenance of gas, gas-electric and electric cookers. Series: Notice d'installation et d'utilisation des cuisinières à gaz, mixtes et électrique. Séries: 96 N MAXI FORNO MAXI OVEN MAXI FOUR IT Introduzione Dimensioni esterne nominali Altezza al piano di lavoro Altezza a coperchio alzato Profondità a porta chiusa Profondità a porta aperta Larghezza Dimensioni utili Larghezza Profondità Altezza Volume Dati tecnici Cucina 90 x 60 cm 85 cm 141 cm 59 cm 100 cm 90 Forno con grill cm 75 cm 48 cm 33 l. [. . . ] SAFETY DEVICE Burners equipped with this device have the advantage that they are protected if they accidentally go out. If this occurs, the supply of gas to the burner concerned is automatically cut off, preventing the hazards deriving from a leak of unburnt gas. The gas supply must be cut off within no more than 60 seconds for the oven and grill burners or 90 seconds for the hob burners. FOR COOKERS WITH ELECTRIC IGNITION All the above applies, except that the match is no longer required; a spark is obtained by pressing the button on the control panel once or more, or by pressing the knob of the burner to be ignited. If electronic ignition is difficult with some types of gas, set the knob on the low (small flame) setting. - For cookers with electric ignition of the oven and grill burners, ensure the oven door is completely open when these burners are ignited; - Do not operate the ignition device for more than 10 seconds 13 - release the knob in this position and move a burning match towards the burner; IT MUST NOT IGNITE. Time needed to excite the magnet during ignition: 10 seconds approx. Automatic tripping time, after flame has been turned off: not more than 90 seconds for hob burners; not more than 60 seconds for oven and grill burners. IMPORTANT: - Before doing any work inside the cooker, disconnect the mains plug and shut the gas tap. - Never use matches to check the gas circuit for leaks. If a specific control device is not available, foam or very soapy water can be used. - When re-closing the hob, check that the electrical wires of the spark plugs ( if present ) are not close to the injectors, so that they cannot run across them. GB when igniting the oven and grill burners. If the burner has not lit after these 10 seconds, stop using the device, leave the door open and wait one minute before trying again to ignite the burner. If the ignition device malfunctions again, light the burner with a match and call the after-sales service. IMPORTANT: - Difficulty in igniting burners is normal if the cooker has been out of use for some time. The air accumulated in the pipes will be expelled in a few seconds; - Never allow too much unburnt gas to flow from the burners. If ignition is not achieved within a relatively short time, repeat the procedure after returning the knob to the off position ( ); - when the oven and grill are lit for the first time, a smell may be noticed and smoke may come out of the oven. This is because of the surface treatment and oily residues on the burners. HOW TO USE THE HOB BURNERS Use pans of diameter suitable for the burner type. The flames must not project beyond the base of the pan. Recommended sizes: - for auxiliary burners = pans of at least 8 cm using the adjusting grid supplied with the cooker - for semi-rapid burners = pans of at least 14 cm - for rapid and triple flame burners = pan of at least 22 cm. N. B. : Never keep the knob at settings between the maximum : flame symbol and the off position ( ). For the user the infrared radiation (the cooking time depends on the type of food and personal taste). [. . . ] Dès que la température baisse et arrive dans les limites acceptables, le courant est rétabli spontanément. Toutefois il faut rappeler qu'une intervention cyclique du dispositif est provoqué par une condition anomale de fonctionnement (ex. rupture du thermostat qui règle la température intérieure du four). Demander l'intervention d'un technicien. [. . . ]


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