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DE DIETRICH DHD506XU1 (235 ko)
Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice DE DIETRICH DHD506XU1
Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.
[. . . ] 9 3-7 Replacement of the side Halogen Lamp (Optional) . 10 3-9 Replacement of Tube Steam Module . 12 3-10 Replacement of Assy Steam Module . 14 3-11 Assembly for Main Assy Steam module part . [. . . ] Fit the metal and the sheet ring to the glass cap. Seperate the 2 tubes.
Remove 5 screws.
- 14 -
3-10 Replacement of Assy Steam Module (Continued)
The Assembly is reverse order of disjointing.
Parts Explaination Photo Explaination
Lift up assy steam module to seperate from oven.
Seperate the cover upper steam. There are totally 4 hook that each has different direction.
Assy Steam Module
6. Seperate right and up side hook first.
Seperate left and up side hook also.
Seperate last 2 hook.
- 15 -
3-10 Replacement of Assy Steam Module (Continued)
The Assembly is reverse order of disjointing.
Parts Explaination Photo Explaination
Remove 5 tubes.
10. Seperate the right side hook by using a flat head screwdriver. And then remove the assy steam generator.
Assy Steam Module
11. Seperate the right side hook by using a flat head screwdriver. Seperate the 4 hook by using a flat head screwdriver. And then remove the assy water tank.
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3-11 Assembly for Main Assy Steam module part
Parts Explaination Photo Explaination
Assy Water tank
Press the 4 point of assy water tank and check the right assembly with hook.
Insert left side of water valve into hook.
Water valve
Press the right side of water valve.
Assy Steam generator
Insert left side of assy steam generator into hook.
- 17 -
3-11 Assembly for Main Assy Steam module part (Continued)
Parts Explaination Photo Explaination
Assy Steam generator
Press the right side of assy steam generator.
Connectors and Assy steam module
Check the right position between assy steam module hole and connector.
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3-12 Replacement of Assy generator sub
Parts Explaination Photo Explaination
Assy generator sub
1. Remove the 2 tubes and 2 screws.
- 19 -
3-13 Replacement of Motor Fan Cooling
The Assembly is reverse order of disjointing.
Parts Explaination Photo Explaination
Fan Cooling
Remove two screws and turn toward the clockwise to separate.
3-14 Replacement of Duct Cover, Bracket & Spring Duct & Ceramic Filter
Parts Explaination Photo Explaination
Fan Cooling
Remove 6 screws from ass'y cover cooling motor.
- 20 -
3-15 Replacement of Motor Convection
The Assembly is reverse order of disjointing.
Parts Explaination Photo 1. Explaination Seperate the 1 tube from the adiabatic rear. This error occurs when a button is pressed and held for over 10 seconds. It may occur when water soaks through the inside of the control panel or dust particles are stuck to TOUCH PAD. In this case, remove DISPLAY PCB, clean TOUCH PAD PCB or replace it.
31 Page
Touch Button Short
30 Page
- 26 -
4-1-2 Safety Error (Continued)
Error Code Gerneral Function Divider Missing Solution This error occurs when the divider sensing switch senses that the divider is used at the inappropriate mode. This error occurs when the set preheating time, 30 minutes, is over. It may occur due to a heater's open, defects of relay contact point and wiring defects. Page 32 Page
Preheating Time Out
34 Page
Excess of cooking compart- - This error occurs when the temperature of cooking ment's temperature compartment maintains over 320°C for more than 5 minutes. - This error occurs when a fire occurs inside cooking compartment or the temperature cannot be controlled because of sensor's failure. Excess of cooking compart- - This error occur immediately after the temperature ment's temperature of cooking compartment reaches 350°C. - This error occurs when a fire occurs inside cooking compartment or the temperature cannot be controlled because of sensor's failure. Cooling motor lock sensed - This error occurs when the temperature sensor on the Main PCB senses abnormal temperature. - It occurs 30 ~ 60 minutes after the cooling motor does not operate. [. . . ] NO S/W Error
Replace the heater.
: A normal heater's resistance is a few . A short circuit increases the resistance to a few M.
After Power > On, does the symptom continue?
YES Replace the PCB.
Perform the operation again and check if it is working properly.
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4-1-10 E-73
Steam generator temp Error (E-73)
Temp sensor malfunction.
Does the steam generator temp sensor work?
: Check the Resistance of temp sensor
Is the PCB part shorted?
: Check short circuit in the PCB part such as relay and sensor part.
Replace the Assy steam generator.
Replace the PCB.
Perform the operation again and check if it is working properly.
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4-1-12 E-78
Water Over Supply Error (E-78)
Connect steam generator water level connector.
Is steam generator water level connector disconnected?
Does Water Valve work?
: Check short circuit in the PCB part such as relay and sensor part.
Replace the Water Valve
S/W Error
After Power > On, does the symptom continue?
YES Replace the PCB.
Perform the operation again and check if it is working properly.
- 36 -
4-1-10 E-0A, E-09
Internal Oven Temperature Error (E-0A, E-09) "E-09, E-24, E-0A" Abnormal
An "E-09" error occurred.
Is the oven internal temperature maintained over 320 degrees?
An "E-24, E-0A" error occurred.
Has the oven internal temperature reached over 350 degrees?
Reconnect the temperature sensor properly.
Is the temperature sensor NO connectivity normal?
TurnOven Off let the oven off and it . cool sufficiently.
Check and repair the heater drive part if necessary.
Is the Heater connectivity normal?
S/W Error
After Power > On, does the symptom continue?YES Replace the PCB.
Perform the operation again and check if it is working properly
- 37 -
4-1-11 Power Failure
No Power
- Check terminal block voltage, 230V.
Reset The circuit braker or Check main power
- TCO open Check (main TCO, Convection TCO)
Replace TCO
- Check the input voltage of PCB SMPS (input checkpoint : 230V )
Repair Faulty wiring
Replace PCB or display PCB check
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4-1-12 TCO Open
TCO Open
Note : When oven is operating , if main power off, power oven off, in temporary temperature rise, TCO is possible will can open.
Replace TCO - Motor Terminal Voltage check NO NO - Colling motor, Conveclion Motor check YES YES · Motor Connect wire Remove - Motor Resistor check (Cooling motor: 238 Convection Motor: 218) YES NO Replace Motor
- PCB SMPS Input Voltage check (input check point: 5V, 230V) YES - PCB SMPS output Voltage check (output check point: 5V, 12C) YES
Repair Faulty wiring
Replace PCB
- PCB Relay contact short check NO
Replace PCB
Check wire short and operation of a sensor
- 39 -
4-1-13 PCB Failure
PCB Failure NO - TCO Open? [. . . ]
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Cliquez sur "Télécharger la notice" si vous en acceptez les termes du présent contrat, le téléchargement de la notice DE DIETRICH DHD506XU1 débutera alors.