Mode d'emploi HP 15C

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Mode d'emploi HP 15C
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Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice HP 15C

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] The sequence t " nnn will move program memory to line number nnn, whether pressed in Run mode or Program mode (PRGM displayed). [. . . ] At the beginning of this section, you found the solution for a system of linear equations in which the constant matrix and the solution matrix each had one column. For example, if C is a possible solution for AX = B, then B ­ AC indicates how well this solution satisfies the equation. Y, where: out of Complex mode, y < 0 and x is noninteger; out of Complex mode, y = 0 and x 0; or in Complex mode, y = 0 and Re(x) 0. O, where: out of Complex mode, x 0; or in Complex mode, x = 0. Z, where: out of Complex mode, x 0; or in Complex mode, x = 0. 9} O {+, -, *, ÷} l {+, -, *, ÷} O > {A to E} O {A to E, %} in User mode l {A to E, %} in User mode O | % l | % Sets the calculator to Program mode (PRGM annunciator on) or Run mode (PRGM annunciator cleared) (page 66). [. . . ] Blinking in display, 100 complex numbers, 125-127 display, 21 memory, 63 operations, 20-21 overflow condition, 45, 61 prefix keys, 19 statistics registers, 49 Coefficient matrix, 156 Combinations function (c), 47 Common pool, 213 Complex arithmetic example, 132 Complex conjugate, forming, 125 Complex matrix, inverting, 162, 164, 165 multiplying, 162, 164, 166 storing elements, 161 transforming, 162, 164 Complex mode, 120-121 activating, 99, 120-121, 133 deactivating, 121 mathematics functions in, 131 stack lift in, 124 Complex numbers, clearing, 125-127 converting polar and rectangular forms, 133-135 entering, 121, 127, 128-129 storing and recalling, 130 Conditionals, indirect, 109-111, 112, 116 Conditional tests, 91, 98, 192 in Complex mode, 132 with matrix descriptors, 174 Constant matrix, 156 Constants, calculations with, 39-42 using in arithmetic calculations, 35, 39-42 In Complex mode, 121, 125, 127, 128-129 termination, 22, 36, 209 Digit separator display, 61 m, 76-77, 215-217 Disabling stack lift, 36 Display (See also X-register), blinking, 100 clearing, 21 error messages, 61 full mantissa, 60 in Complex mode, 121 Display format, 58-59, 61 effect on ´ 200, 241, 244, 245-249 Do if True rule, 92, 192 Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada. [. . . ]


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