Mode d'emploi MAPPY ULTI S549 GPS

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Mode d'emploi MAPPY ULTI S549 GPS
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Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice MAPPY ULTI S549 GPS

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] 9 Changing the road types used in route planning . To display the route parameters and the route in its full length Your route, setting a start point for the route, picking route alternatives, avoiding parts If Mappy PND is capable of receiving live traffic information, the calculation takes into account traffic delays affecting your route if they are received. If Mappy PND is capable of receiving live traffic information, the calculation takes into account traffic delays affecting your route if they are received. [. . . ] There is another way to do this and to compare different route alternatives with the same route planning method. You see the basic details of three route alternatives with the selected route planning method. 9 Changing the road types used in route planning However, there are some that are not available in this navigation mode (for example you cannot open the itinerary as you have no manoeuvres just route points and straight lines between them). The only difference is that route points are linked to form a route with straight lines regardless of the road network and traffic regulations. Road types used or avoided in route calculation: For some of the vehicle types, you can also check the fuel consumption and CO2 emission when planning a route, and you can create cost effective routes with less effect on the environment. You can also select whether you want to see the difference between your route and the green route even if the selected routing method is not Green. If the selected route planning method is not Green, and you have allowed the application to show the green alternative, the price, fuel consumption and CO2 emission differences between your selected route and the Green route are also shown on this screen: When Mappy PND receives traffic information that may affect your route, the program will warn you that it is recalculating the route, and navigation will continue with a new route that is optimal considering the most up-todate traffic conditions. To fine-tune this recalculation, you can set the minimum delay that can trigger a route recalculation, or you can instruct Mappy PND to have you confirm the new recommended route before it takes effect. Tap the Details button to see the exact sunrise and sunset times for all your route points (your current location, all waypoints and the final destination). Select the type of vehicle you are driving, the road types used in route planning, and the route planning method. Tap this button to open the list of traffic event types, and select which events to take into account in route calculation. Based upon this setting, some of the road types can be excluded from the route, or some of the restrictions may not be taken into account in route calculation. The route calculation can be optimised for different situations and vehicle types by changing the planning method. To let the route fit your needs, you can also set which road types are to be considered for or to be excluded from the route if possible. Searching for a short route regardless of the speed, this route type is rarely practical for normal vehicles. For vehicle types where Green routing is not available, this method combines the benefits of Fast and Short: Mappy PND calculates as if it were calculating the Fast route, but it takes other roads as well to save fuel. [. . . ] The Licensor does not warrant the quality, suitability, accuracy, fitness for a specific purpose or territorial coverage of the Database, content, product or service or the availability of the Database, content, product or service, and it specifically excludes any liability for the suspension or cancellation of the service, and any damage arising in relation to the service or for complete cancellation of the service. user acknowledges that the mapping data in Databases contains geographical data and other data. The User hereby acknowledges that (i) inaccurate or incomplete information due to the passage of time, changing circumstances, sources used and the nature of collecting comprehensive geographic data, may each lead to incorrect results; and (ii) that the Database, contents and services provided by third parties may only be used at the risk of the User and for the personal or internal business benefit of the User. [. . . ]


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