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Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] Plug in the MiniDrone (photos C and D): · · When using a charger with a minimum power rating of 2. 4 A, charging time is approximately 25 minutes. When charging through a computer using the USB cable, charging time is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. To remove the battery, lift the flap located underneath the battery and slide it to the rear. Before getting started 5 Setting up the MiniDrone on the Hydrofoil Before setting up the MiniDrone, assemble the Hydrofoil and check the battery has been installed correctly. 1. Insert the front of the MiniDrone in its support, the head facing the front of the Hydrofoil. Ensure that the two front lugs on the support are inserted into the front arms of the MiniDrone (photo A). [. . . ] To do this, the battery for the MiniDrone must be installed. Once connected, the MiniDrone will show up as a USB drive on your computer. You can then copy files using your computer. 16 Flying Videos You can film your MiniDrone using your smartphone while you are flying it. To do this, the Controller control mode must be activated. For more information, go to the Control Settingssection. To record a video, press . Frame your MiniDrone with your smartphone. To stop recording, press . The icon will change to . gallery and in your The videos will be automatically saved in the FreeFlight3 phone's memory. Press then Gallery . Flying 17 Settings Press Press to access the settings menu for your MiniDrone. at any time to revert to factory settings. Max Altitude The Max Altitude option allows you to limit the maximum height your MiniDrone can go. When the MiniDrone is about to go past this limit, it will automatically go back down to the selected height. Max Tilt The Max Tilt option allows you to choose the maximum tilt angle the MiniDrone can make while it is moving. The higher this value is, the larger the pitch of the MiniDrone. The lower this value is, the smaller the pitch of the MiniDrone. With a large pitch, the MiniDrone will gain speed quicker and will be more sensitive to commands. Left-handed mode The Invert Controls option allows you to invert the controls on your smartphone. Control Settings The Expert Normal , and Controller options let you choose the control mode you want. For more information on control modes, see the Flight control section in this guide. 18 Settings Automatic Recording The Auto Rec option is available in Controller mode only. It is used to automatically trigger video recording as soon as you press information on video recording, see the Take Off . For more Video section. Max Vertical Speed The Max Vertical Speed option allows you to set the maximum or upward and downward speed of the MiniDrone when you press the buttons. Max Rotation Speed The Max Rotation Speed option allows you to set the maximum rotation speed for or the MiniDrone when you press the   buttons. Accessory Activate the Hydrofoil None option when you are driving the MiniDrone with the hydrofoil. Activate the option when you are driving the MiniDrone without the hydrofoil. Short-Circuit The Short-Circuit option allows you to cut the motors in the event of prolonged impact to the propellers on your MiniDrone. This option is deactivated by default, but is useful if you are a beginner pilot. Settings 19 Charge Settings The Charge Settings screen shows you the last type of charging used and the battery level of your MiniDrone. Network Name The Network Name option allows you to edit the Bluetooth® name of how the MiniDrone will be seen by your smartphone in the FreeFlight3 app. The name change will take effect once the MiniDrone has been restarted. The MiniDrone network name can only contain numbers, letters and underscores. It must not be longer than 32 characters. Versions The General Information version number shows you: of the FreeFlight3 app currently installed on your · · · The smartphone. The version number of the firmware installed on your MiniDrone. The hardware version of your MiniDrone. 20 Settings Academy Drone An internet connection is necessary to use the Drone Academy. [. . . ] The uncontrolled disposal of waste is harmful to the environment: please separate this from other types of waste and dispose of responsibly. Private individuals are invited to contact the retailer who sold them the product or to ask advice from their local authority to find out how and where it can be recycled. Declaration of Conformity Parrot SA, 174 quai de Jemmapes, 71-1, E 75010 Paris, France, declares under their sole responsibility that the product described in this user guide complies with 3014 provision (1 89 999 -17, E N 30032 , E the 8 N ? N 71-2, E N E N 62115 technical standards following the Equipment directive of /5/EC R &TTE), and of the General Safety directive (2001/95/EC). Radio Equipment, Telecommunication The Declaration of Conformity is available on our website: www. parrot. com/fr/ce/ airborne-cargo-drone Registered trademarks Parrot, Parrot MiniDrones and the Parrot logo are trade-marks of PARROT SA. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc. [. . . ]


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