Mode d'emploi PHILIPS HD 8944

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Mode d'emploi PHILIPS HD 8944
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Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice PHILIPS HD 8944

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] Operation and maintenance manual Before using the machine, please read the attached operating instructions. Carefully read the safety rules. Veuillez lire attentivement le mode d'emploi (notamment les consignes de sécurité) avant d'utiliser l'appareil. Mode d'emploi FOR HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY USAGE DOMESTIQUE SEULEMENT CARAFE ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE SCHEMA DE MONTAGE DE LA CARAFE For correct use of the carafe, refer to the instructions on page 12. The maintenance instructions for the carafe circuits are described on page 38. The disassembly and cleaning instructions for the components are described on page 43. III A Pour l'utilisation correcte de la carafe, consulter les instructions à page 12. [. . . ] YEAR MONTH DAY FORMAT To set the current year. To set the display format for the date according to personal functions displaying date format. STAND-BY 60 To set the time interval for the machine to go into stand-by mode after the The default time value is "after 1 hour". 15 30 60 again ready for use. 180 Once the set time has elapsed, the machine goes into stand-by mode. Press any button to turn the machine on again. After performing 31 CALENDAR SETTINGS POWER-ON TIMER Note: The switch-off is managed through the "STAND-BY" programming. TIMER 1 00:00 HOUR 00 MINUTES 00 DAY OF THE WEEK active. Select a day using the ( ) ro ( ) buttons and setting: ON = Time activated OFF = Time deactivated 2. 3. 4. 1. 3 TIMER 1 00:00 ESC MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OK TIMER 2 00:00 time. TIMER 3 00:00 32 MACHINE MENU WATER SETTINGS WATER SETTINGS WATER HARDNESS right moment. Measure water hardness as shown on page 5. ENABLE FILTER needs to be replaced. activated). ACTIVATE FILTER 33 MAINTENANCE SETTINGS MAINTENANCE SETTINGS PRODUCT COUNTERS type of coffee since the last reset. DESCALING CYCLE litres can be dispensed before descaling) (See page 35). BREW UNIT CLEANING CYCLE CARAFE WASH CYCLE beverages (See page 38). Note: This wash cycle is fundamental for a correct maintenance of the carafe. CARAFE AUTO CLEAN This function enables automatic cleaning of the carafe after each dispensing of milk-based products. OFF The self-cleaning function is disabled. ON The self-cleaning function is enabled. FACTORY SETTINGS Note: By restoring the factory settings, all the personal parameters are lost. 34 MAINTENANCE BREW GROUP CLEANING CYCLE can be purchased from Saeco Customer Service or an authorized retailer. DO NOT LEAVE THE MACHINE UNATTENDED DURING THIS OPERATION. 1 ESC 2. 5. MAINTENANCE SETTING PRODUCT COUNTERS DESCALING CYCLE 59(I) BREW GROUP CLEANING CY CARAFE WASH CYCLE CARAFE AUTO CLEAN 2 ESC 2. 5. 3. MAINTENANCE SETTIN PERFORM BREW GROUP CLEANING CYCLE? 3 REFILL WATER TANK OK OK OK Select the menu option. 4 5 INSERT BREW GROUP CLEANING TABLET 6 OK Insert the cleaning tablet into the bypass doser. button. Place a container under the coffee dispensing spout. 7 PLACE A CUP UNDER COFFEE SUPPLYING 8 BREW GROUP CLEANING CYCLE 9 OK After placing the container, press the performed automatically. At the end of the cycle, remove the container and empty it appropriately. After the cycle, return the SBS dial to the desired position (see page 11). 35 BOILER DESCALING CYCLE MENU DO NOT LEAVE THE MACHINE UNATTENDED DURING THIS OPERATION. NEVER USE VINEGAR AS A DESCALING SOLUTION. Only use the Saeco descaling solution, especially designed to respect the technical features of the machine, to ensure its performance instructions and/or regulations in force in the country of use. Note: Before starting a descaling cycle make sure that: 1. THE INTENZA WATER FILTER HAS BEEN REMOVED DESCALING AND/OR RINSE CYCLES CANNOT BE STOPPED; ALL THE PHASES MUST BE COMPLETED. IF THE MACHINE IS SWITCHED OFF OR IN CASE OF POWER FAILURES, THE INTERRUPTED CYCLE MUST BE REPEATED FROM THE BEGINNING. HOWEVER, CYCLES MAY BE PAUSED BY PRESSING THE "PAUSE" BUTTON; IT WILL BE POSSIBLE TO RESUME THE CYCLE AT ANY TIME BY PRESSING THE "START" BUTTON. TURN THE SBS DIAL ALL THE WAY TO THE LEFT, COUNTER-CLOCKWISE (SEE PAGE 11), BEFORE STARTING THE CYCLE. Note: During the descaling cycle, some alarm messages may appear to allow for a correct management of the machine. After resetting the message, always press the "START" button to resume the descaling cycle. 1 ESC 2. 5. MAINTENANCE SETTING PRODUCT COUNTERS DESCALING CYCLE 59(I BREW GROUP CLEANING CY CARAFE WASH CYCLE CARAFE AUTO CLEAN 2 ESC 2. 5. 2. MAINTENANCE SETTI START DESCALING CYCLE? 3 REFILL WATER TANK WITH DESCALING SOLUT OK OK OK Select the menu option. Warning: Once this selection is made, the to exit 36 4 MAINTENANCE EMPTY DRIP TRAY PLACED UNDER THE BREW UNIT 5 FILL THE CARAFE HALFWAY WITH FRESH WATER AND INSE IT IN BREWING POSITION 6 PLACE A CONTAINER UNDER WATER & CARAFE DISP. [. . . ] RÉGLAGES MACHINE ESC RÉGLAGES GÉNÉRALES RÉGLAGES AFFICHEUR RÉGLAGES CALENDRIER RÉGLAGES EAU RÉGLAGES ENTRETIEN OK RÉGLAGES D'USINE 28 MENU MACHINE RÉGLAGES GÉNÉRAUX RÉGLAGES GÉNÉRAUX PLAQUE CHAUFFE-TASSES OFF ON FONCTION MODE ÉCO OFF ON TONALITES SONORES OFF ON 29 RÉGLAGES DE L'AFFICHEUR RÉGLAGES DE L'AFFICHEUR LANGUE LUMINOSITÉ 30 MENU MACHINE RÉGLAGES CALENDRIER RÉGLAGES CALENDRIER HORAIRE HEURE MINUTES FORMAT DATE AN MOIS JOUR FORMAT RÉGLAGES STAND-BY 60 L'intervalle par défaut est « après 1 heure ». 15 30 60 180 31 RÉGLAGES CALENDRIER MINUTERIE MISE EN MARCHE MACHINE Remarque : l'arrêt est géré par la programmation du « STAND-BY ». HEURE 00 MINUTES 00 JOUR DE LA SEMAINE 2. 3. 4. 1. 3 MINUTERIE 1 00:00 ESC LUNDI MARDI MERCREDI JEUDI VENDREDI SAMEDI DIMANCHE OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OK 32 MENU MACHINE RÉGLAGES EAU RÉGLAGES EAU DURETÉ DE L'EAU Mesurer la dureté de l'eau comme il est décrit à la page 5. VALIDATION FILTRE ACTIVATION FILTRE 33 RÉGLAGES ENTRETIEN RÉGLAGES ENTRETIEN COMPTEURS PRODUIT CYCLE DE DÉTARTRAGE CYCLE NETTOYAGE GROUPE CYCLE DE NETTOYAGE DE LA CARAFE Remarque : ce cycle de nettoyage est fondamental pour un correct entretien de la carafe. AUTO-NETTOYAGE CARAFE OFF ON RÉGLAGES D'USINE Remarque : le rétablissement des réglages d'usine efface tous les paramètres personnels. 34 ENTRETIEN MENU «CYCLE NETTOYAGE GROUPE» LE CYCLE DE LAVAGE NE PEUT PAS ÊTRE INTERROMPU. PENDANT CETTE OPÉRATION, LA PRÉSENCE D'UNE PERSONNE EST NÉCESSAIRE. 1 ESC 2. 5. RÉGLAGES ENTRETIEN COMPTEURS PRODUIT CYCLE DÉTARTRAGE 59(I CYCLE NETTOYAGE GROUP CYCLE DE NETTOYAGE DE LA C AUTO-NETTOYAGE CARAFE 2 ESC 2. 5. 3. [. . . ]


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