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Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice PHILIPS SMARTPRO ACTIVE FC8812
Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.
[. . . ] Philips SmartPro Active Robot vacuum cleaner
3-step cleaning system
90 min runtime Click-on mopping TriActive XL nozzle
Thorough and advanced clean, now 2 times faster*
WithTriActive XL nozzle and 3-Step Clean system
The Philips SmartPro Active robot vacuum cleaner cleans 2 times faster thanks to the combination of TriActive XL brushless nozzle, strong suction power and 3-Step clean system with dry mopping.
Cleans on its own • Infrared sensors for detecting and avoiding obstacles • Schedule your weekly cleaning • Powerful Li-Ion battery for 90 min operating time • Smart Detection System adapts cleaning to any environment • TriActive XL nozzle cleans double the area in one stroke Extra accessories included • Remote to control the robot from a distance Thorough cleaning performance • 3-step cleaning system including dry mopping function • 4 cleaning modes to adapt to different areas • The robot detects the most dirty areas for a deeper clean
Robot vacuum cleaner
3-step cleaning system 90 min runtime, Click-on mopping, TriActive XL nozzle
Infrared sensors 3-step cleaning system relatively larger space. [. . . ] Lastly, the click-on mopping pad enhances the cleaning by collecting even the finest dust from your floors. Dust Sensor The remote control allows you to control the Robotic Vacuum cleaner from a distance and perform several actions. You can tell the robot to start and stop, guide it to any direction, change the cleaning path or ask the robot to go back to the docking station. Smart Detection System
Cleaner offers a weekly scheduling function, so you can program your next cleaning session one week in advance, with the possibility to set a different time for each day excluding one day. The Robot will activate even if you are not at home, so you can enjoy a clean house. Powerful Li-Ion battery The powerful Lithium-Ion battery has a longer lifetime and a shorter charging time than standard batteries. The new robot vacuumcleaner runs up to 90 min.
The dust sensor feature enables the robot to automatically recognize the areas where most dust is accumulated, so it stays in that area for a few seconds more to have a deeper cleaning. 4 cleaning modes
4 cleaning modes to adapt to different areas in your home. [. . . ] Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N. V. [. . . ]
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