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Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice PRIVILEG MACHINE A COUDRE

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] ROOM NORMAL EFX DELAY 1 DELAY 2 DELAY 3 DELAY 4 CHORUS FLANGE PHASER SPRING NORMAL O O +20 TAPE LEVEL 4 2 0 (MUTES ALL CHANNELS) BREAK SWITCH 2 4 -15 +15 -15 +15 -15 +15 -15 +15 -15 +15 -15 +15 -15 +15 -15 +15 -15 +15 -15 +15 PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN 0 10 MAX PHONES LEVEL U O O ZERO LEVEL SET 7 10 20 30 0dB=0dBu WIDE BYPASS TIME L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R L R RATE REVERBS DELAYS CHORUS/FLANGE/PHASER 0 10 O O +10 UTILITY OUT LEVEL DAMPING DEPTH RUDE SOLO 1 1 dB 10 5 MUTE 2 1-2 3-4 dB 10 5 MUTE 3 1-2 3-4 dB 10 5 MUTE 4 1-2 3-4 dB 10 5 MUTE 5 1-2 3-4 dB 10 5 MUTE 6 1-2 3-4 dB 10 5 MUTE 7 1-2 3-4 dB 10 5 MUTE 8 1-2 3-4 dB 10 5 MUTE 9-10 1-2 3-4 dB 10 5 MUTE 11-12 1-2 3-4 dB 10 5 MUTE SUB dB 10 5 1 ASSIGN LEFT RIGHT dB 10 5 SUB 2 ASSIGN LEFT RIGHT dB 10 5 SUB 3 ASSIGN LEFT RIGHT dB 10 5 SUB 4 ASSIGN LEFT RIGHT MAIN MIX MAIN MIX dB 10 5 U 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 O O STEREO STEREO ASSIGN ASSIGN ASSIGN ASSIGN ASSIGN ASSIGN ASSIGN ASSIGN ASSIGN ASSIGN 1-2 3-4 U 5 10 20 30 U 5 10 20 30 U 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 O O U 5 10 20 30 U 5 10 20 30 U 5 10 20 30 U 5 10 20 30 U 5 10 20 30 U 5 10 20 30 U 5 10 20 30 U 5 10 20 30 U 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 O O U 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 O O U 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 O O SOLO PFL 40 50 60 O O SOLO PFL 40 50 60 O O SOLO PFL 40 50 60 O O SOLO PFL 40 50 60 O O SOLO PFL 40 50 60 O O SOLO PFL 40 50 60 O O SOLO PFL 40 50 60 O O SOLO PFL 40 50 60 O O SOLO PFL 40 50 60 O O SOLO PFL 40 50 60 O O IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. [. . . ] –15 The mono channels employ a semi20 parametric mid-sweep EQ. In addition to being able to set the amount of boost, you can “aim” that boost at a specific frequency; anywhere from 100 Hz to 8 kHz. The stereo channels employ a 2-stage fixedfrequency MID EQ. HI-MID is centered at 3kHz; LOW-MID is centered at 400 Hz. Hz Mid EQ 100Hz 1kHz 10kHz 20kHz Low EQ U EQ HI 12k -15 +15 U HI MID 3k LOW EQ This control provides up to 15 dB of boost or cut at 80 Hz and below. The circuit is flat (no boost or cut) at the center detent position. This frequency represents the punch in bass drums, bass guitar, fat synth patches, and hightestosterone male singers. When adding boost to the channel’s low EQ, simultaneously engaging the LOW CUT switch can create an audible low frequency boost without boosting stage rumble, mic handling clunks, and breath pops. -15 +15 U LOW MID 400Hz EQ The CFX MKII mixer has low shelving, mid peaking, and high shelving EQ. “Shelving” means that the circuitry boosts or cuts all frequencies past the specified frequency. For example, boosting the LOW EQ knob boosts FADER PAN 1-2 INPUT GAIN LO CUT INSERT -15 +15 U LOW 80Hz -15 +15 PAN L R EQ MUTE 3-4 11-12 dB 10 MUTE "POST" SIGNAL "PRE" SIGNAL ASSIGN PRE-POST AUX 1 AUX 2 EFX 1 EFX 2 TO AUX 1 MASTER SEND LEVEL TO AUX 2 MASTER SEND LEVEL TO EFX 1 MASTER SEND LEVEL TO EFX 2 MASTER SEND LEVEL 1-2 “Pre vs. Post” Auxiliary Signal Flow Diagram Stereo Channel 13 PAN PAN adjusts the amount of channel signal sent, left versus right, to the SUB OUTs (and ultimately the MAIN OUTs via the SUB ASSIGN switches). On mono channels, the knob places the signal somewhere between hard left and hard right. By configuring SUB 1 and 2 to feed the main mix, the channel ASSIGN 1-2 switches become the equivalent of being “Main Mix” switches. Some channels can use ASSIGN 3-4 instead; creating a submix for a set of channels (all the drum channels, for instance). Then, by configuring SUB 3 and 4 to also feed the main mix, you can “ride” the SUB 3 and 4 Faders independently of the rest of the mix. SUB Faders , SUB ASSIGN , and MAIN MIX Fader will explain this further. -15 +15 PAN L R 1 1 dB 10 5 MUTE ASSIGN 1-2 3-4 U 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 O O SOLO PFL FADER Although the most self-explanatory item on a mixer, we’ll explain it anyway: The fader is the master level control for the channel’s sig14 MASTER SECTION FEATURES We hope you’ve understood, if not memorized, the CHANNEL STRIP FEATURES you just read. If you’re still confused, please look them over again before you tackle this section. Don’t worry, it’s easy to swallow as long as you take it a bite at a time. A “+4” mixer, with a +4 dBu signal pouring out the back, will actually display 0 dB on its meters. A “–10” mixer, with a –10 dBV signal trickling out, will also display 0 dB. At the risk of creating another standard, Mackie’s compact mixers address the need of both crowds by calling things as they are: 0 dBu (0. 775V) at the output shows as 0 dB VU on the meters. (By the way, the most wonderful thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from. ) MAIN MIX FADER As the name implies, this stereo fader controls the levels of signals sent to the main . The outputs: XLR and TRS MAIN OUT TAPE OUTPUT RCA jacks also receive the main mix, but before the MAIN MIX Fader. [. . . ] IMPORTANT: Make sure that the Service Request Number is plainly written on the shipping carton. LOUD Technologies reserves the right to inspect any products that may be the subject of any warranty claims before repair or replacement is carried out. LOUD Technologies may, at our option, require proof of the original date of purchase in the form of a dated copy of the original dealer’s invoice or sales receipt. Final determination of warranty coverage lies solely with LOUD Technologies. [. . . ]


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