Mode d'emploi SONY CMT-DV2D

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Mode d'emploi SONY CMT-DV2D
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   SONY CMT-DV2D annexe 1 (1233 ko)
   SONY CMT-DV2D annexe 2 (712 ko)
   SONY CMT-DV2D annexe 1 (712 ko)

Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice SONY CMT-DV2D

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] Please be aware that among those discs, there are some that do not conform to the CD standard and may not be playable by this product. 3 Select the desired track or file number. Press / repeatedly until the desired track or file number appears. When programming MP3 files, press +/ repeatedly to select the desired folder, and then select the desired file. License and Trademark Notice Pod is a trademark of Apple Inc. , registered in the U. S. PEG Layer-3 audio coding technology and patents M licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson. ll other trademarks and registered trademarks are of A their respective holders. [. . . ] Hold down (rewind) / (fast forward) during playback, and release the button at the desired point. REPEAT repeatedly until "REP" or "REP1" appears. If the first session on the disc is a CD-DA session, the other sessions on the disc cannot be recognized regardless of the session format; only CD-DA tracks in the first session can be played back. If the session format for the first session is CD-ROM and the following sessions are recorded in the same format, the system will continue to play back MP3 files accordingly in multiple sessions until the system encounters another session recorded in a different format. To use the system as a battery charger You can use the system as a battery charger for the iPod when the system is on. The charging begins when the iPod is placed on the iPod connector. The charge status appears in the iPod display. For details, see the user's guide of your iPod. To stop charging the iPod Remove the iPod. Turning off the system also stops charging the iPod. Notes When placing or removing the iPod, handle the iPod in the same angle as that of the iPod connector on the unit and do not twist or sway the iPod to prevent connector damage. Do not carry the unit with an iPod set on the connector. When placing or removing the iPod, brace the unit with one hand and take care not to press the controls of the iPod by mistake. Before disconnecting the iPod, pause playback. Hold down / to fast-forward (fast-rewind) while playing video if / does not function. If the issue persists, contact your nearest Sony dealer. The remote does not function. Make sure the iPod is connected securely. Make sure the iPod is updated with the latest software. If not, update the iPod before using with the system. The iPod cannot be charged. Make sure the iPod is connected securely. You can use the system as a battery charger for iPod only when the system is on. "PROTECT" appears. Adjusting the sound To Adjust the volume Generate a more dynamic sound (Dynamic Sound Generator X-tra) Set the sound effect Press VOLUME +/ . DSGX on the unit. 2 Select the timer set mode. Press TIMER MENU . General The system does not turn on. Is the power cord plugged in? 3 Set the play timer. Press / repeatedly to select "PLAY SET, " then . press A problem has been detected with the level of electrical current from the iPod connector. Turn off the system and remove the iPod from the iPod connector. Make sure there is no problem with the iPod. If this display pattern persists, contact your nearest Sony dealer. Messages FULL : You tried to program more than 25 tracks or files (steps). NO DISC : There is no disc in the player, or you have loaded a disc that cannot be played. NO STEP : All of the programmed tracks have been erased. [. . . ] Install a noise filter (available separately) to the power cord. To improve tuner reception The remote does not function. ake sure the iPod is not playing when using the Play Timer. M e Play Timer may not be activated depending on the status of the Th connected iPod. Tip Remove any obstacles between the remote and the remote sensor on the unit, and position the unit away from fluorescent lights. Point the remote at the system's sensor. Move the remote closer to the system. Turn off CD player power by using the system's power management function. [. . . ]


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