Mode d'emploi TOSHIBA BDX 1300

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Mode d'emploi TOSHIBA BDX 1300
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Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] Blu-ray Disc™/DVD Player User's Guide: BDX1300KU If you need assistance: ❖ ❖ Toshiba’s Support Web site support. toshiba. com Toshiba Customer Support Center (949) 583-3353 For more information see “Troubleshooting & Maintenance” on page 35 in this guide. Owner's Record The model number and serial number are on the back of your player. Record these numbers in the spaces below. Refer to these numbers whenever you communicate with your Toshiba dealer about this equipment. [. . . ] And some items are available only when the disc is supportable. Blu-ray Disc™ BONUSVIEW™ Playing Secondary Video (Picture-in-Picture) and Secondary Audio is for Blu-ray Disc™ playback only. Secondary video can be played from a disc compatible with the Picture-in-Picture (PIP) function. For the playback method, refer to the instructions for the disc. 1 Turn on secondary video by pressing the PIP button. 2 Press the PIP AUDIO button to select the secondary audio, and select any option other than Off. The secondary audio opens, and you can hear the disc’s secondary video sound. In order to hear the secondary audio, the PIP feature on the disc must be enabled. 5. 375 x 8. 375 ver 3. 1 20 Customizing 3 Press the PIP button again to turn Off the secondary video. Primary video Secondary video with secondary audio (Sample Illustration) BONUSVIEW™ - PIP This function is not available when the primary video is played in Search/Slow-Motion/Frameby-Frame or in Fast Forward/Reverse mode. To listen to the secondary audio, the digital audio output must be set to Bitstream, Re-encode or PCM. Otherwise, only the primary audio can be heard. Not all the Blu-ray™ Discs can support this function. High Definition PIP (Second Video) is not supported. Customizing This section describes the various setting options of this Blu-ray Disc™/DVD Player. If the setup option is grayed out, it means the setting cannot be changed at the current state. General settings 1 Press the SETUP button on the remote control. The Setup Menu appears. General Setting System Language Playback Security Network Screen Saver Disc Auto Playback CEC Load Default Upgrade On On On More. . . More. . . Move cursor key to select menu option then use “OK” key to select SETUP Exit (Sample Illustration) Setup Menu 2 Press the ( arrow) button to select an option, and then press the ( arrow) button to access the option’s settings. 3 Press the ( / arrow) buttons to select a setup option, and then press the ( arrow) button. 4 Select the setting you wish to change, and then press the OK button to confirm. 5 Press the ( arrow) button to return to the previous menu. 6 Press the SETUP button to exit the menu. 5. 375 x 8. 375 ver 3. 1 Customizing System 21 Change the following system options to personalize your Blu-ray Disc™/DVD Player. ❖ Screen Saver: Turns On/Off the screen saver mode. On: Sets the screen saver to activate after approximately 5 minutes of non-operation. You can turn off the screen saver by pressing the SETUP button. [. . . ] Some recordable media, cards or files may not be supported. Product specifications, information and availability are all subject to change without notice. 5. 375 x 8. 375 ver 3. 1 License information on the software used in the Blu-ray Disc™/DVD Player 41 License information on the software used in the Blu-ray Disc™/DVD Player This document is statement purpose only. Not concerned with operation of this product. The software pre-installed in the TOSHIBA Blu-ray Disc™/DVD Player consists of multiple, independent software components. [. . . ]


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