Mode d'emploi TOSHIBA TECRA A4 (PTA42)

UneNotice offre un service communautaire de partage, d'archivage en ligne et de recherche de documentation relative à l'utilisation de matériels ou logiciels : notice, mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, guide d'installation, manuel technique... N'OUBLIEZ PAS DE LIRE LE MODE D'EMPLOI AVANT D'ACHETER!

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Mode d'emploi TOSHIBA TECRA A4 (PTA42)
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Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice TOSHIBA TECRA A4 (PTA42)

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT and Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. Statement of Conditions In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, TOSHIBA reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice. TOSHIBA does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use or application of the product(s) or circuit layout(s) described herein. Certificate of the Manufacturer/Importer It is hereby certified that the TOSHIBA Stora has been suppressed in accordance with the conditions set out in the BMPT-AmtsblVfg 243/1991 and Vfg 46/1992. The operation of some equipment (for example, test transmitters) in accordance with the regulations may, however, be subject to certain restrictions. [. . . ] A document will use the generic document image. To use a file as the album cover, start by selecting the album. Select the file, display the menu, and then select Use as Album Cover. Chapter 3: Stora Application | 75 TOSHIBA Stora User Manual Running a Slideshow Running a slideshow displays the images within the album or folder, one at a time, along with their captions. Music, videos and documents are not shown. You can run a slideshow using the Albums page, or after displaying an album. To run a slideshow using the Albums page, select the album, display the menu, and then select Slideshow. The browser automatically shows each image with its caption. You can also run a slideshow by double-clicking an image, and then clicking the Play button. The tool bar, illustrated below, allows you to control the slideshow. Playing Songs Playing songs plays the music within the folder or album, starting with the selected song. Images, videos, documents and songs within subfolders are not played. To play songs, select the album, display the menu, and then select Autoplay. You can sort using the following filters: · · · · · · Name Mime Type Size Modified Time Caption Tagged Figure 70 Sorting Filter Searching for Files and Folders Searching for files and folders checks all the folders you have access to, and displays items with captions, tags or file names that match the search criteria. To run a search, enter text in the Search box, and then click the Search icon. The Files section will show files that contain the search text in the caption, tags or file name. It will also show folders that contain the search text in the folder name. If you enter one word, you will see all the items that share the word. If you enter more than one word, the search results will be constrained to items that have all the words. Once the files appear, you can add them to an album for sharing with family, friends or the public. See"Moving a file" on page 79, and"Adding tags" on page 80. Selecting a File You can select a file in Thumbnail view or List view. Selecting a file highlights it, and allows you to perform an operation on it. If the Details section is displayed, it shows the file's details. To select multiple files, hold the Ctrl key while clicking files. Displaying the Menu Stora Application has a menu with commands for working with files. [. . . ] Choose an option from the Tools menu · Select Tools > Synchronize Selected Items. This option allows you to select only the folders you want to backup. · Select Tools > Synchronize All Items. This options backs up all new and modified folders listed. b. [. . . ]


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