UneNotice offre un service communautaire de partage, d'archivage en ligne et de recherche de documentation relative à l'utilisation de matériels ou logiciels : notice, mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, guide d'installation, manuel technique... N'OUBLIEZ PAS DE LIRE LE MODE D'EMPLOI AVANT D'ACHETER!
Si le contenu de ce document correpond à la notice, au mode d'emploi, à la liste d'instruction, d'installation ou d'utilisation, au manuel, au schéma de montage ou au guide que vous cherchez. N'hésitez pas à la télécharger. UneNotice vous permet d'accèder facilement aux informations sur le mode d'emploi TOYOTA SUPRA. Nous espérons que le manuel TOYOTA SUPRA vous sera utile.
Vous possédez un TOYOTA SUPRA, avec UneNotice, vous allez pouvoir mieux l'utiliser. Si vous avez un problème avec votre TOYOTA SUPRA, pensez à consulter les dernières pages du mode d'emploi qui contiennent souvent les principales solutions.
Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.
[. . . ] Foreword
Welcome to the growing group of value-conscious people who drive Toyotas. We are proud of the advanced engineering and quality construction of each vehicle we build. [. . . ] The next owner will need this information also. All information and specifications in this manual are current at the time of printing. However, because of Toyota’s policy of continual product improvement, we reserve the right to make changes at any time without notice. Please note that this manual applies to all models and explains all equipment, including options. Therefore, you may find some explanations for equipment not installed in your vehicle. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION E 1996 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without the written permission of Toyota Motor Corporation.
New vehicle warranty
Your new vehicle is covered by the following Toyota limited warranties: S New vehicle warranty S Emission control systems warranty S Others For further information, please refer to the separate “Owner’s Guide”, “Owner’s Manual Supplement” or “Warranty Booklet”.
Accessories, spare parts and modification of your Toyota
A wide variety of non genuine spare parts and accessories for Toyota vehicles are currently available in the market. You should know that Toyota does not warrant these products and is not responsible either for their performance, repair or replacement, or for any damage they may cause to, or adverse effect they may have on, your Toyota vehicle. This vehicle should not be modified with non genuine Toyota products. Modification with non genuine Toyota products could affect its performance, safety or durability, and may even violate governmental regulations. [. . . ] If the vehicle is scrapped with the airbag left as it is, it may cause an accident such as a fire. Be sure to have the SRS airbag system removed and disposed of by a qualified service shop or by your Toyota dealer before you dispose of your vehicle.
Installation of a mobile two-way radio system
As the installation of a mobile two-way radio system in your vehicle could affect electronic systems such as multiport fuel injection systems/sequential multiport fuel injection system, cruise control system, antilock brake system and SRS airbag system, be sure to check with your Toyota dealer for precautionary measures or special instructions regarding installation. [. . . ]
UneNotice offre un service communautaire de partage, d'archivage en ligne et de recherche de documentation relative à l'utilisation de matériels ou logiciels : notice, mode d'emploi, notice d'utilisation, guide d'installation, manuel technique... En aucun cas, UneNotice ne pourra être tenu responsable si le document que vous recherchez n'est pas disponible, incomplet, dans une langue différente de la votre ou si la désignation et la langue ne correspondent pas. UneNotice, en particulier, n'assure pas de service de traduction.
Cliquez sur "Télécharger la notice" si vous en acceptez les termes du présent contrat, le téléchargement de la notice TOYOTA SUPRA débutera alors.