Mode d'emploi VDO DAYTON CD 1327

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Mode d'emploi VDO DAYTON CD 1327
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Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice VDO DAYTON CD 1327

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] When the temperature reaches factory preset level, the protection circuit halts all unit operation. If this happen, let the unit settles to the car ambient temperature before it get back to normal operation. INSTALLATION Notes: • Choose the mounting location where the unit will not interfere with the normal driving function of the driver. • Before finally installing the unit, connect the wiring temporarily and make sure the unit and the system work properly. [. . . ] Press it for 2 seconds again to release this function. • MUTE Press MUTE button (24) to silence the receiver. • FLASHING LED If the front panel is removed from the unit, the LED (25) will be flashing. • STATION SELECTION Press TUNE/TRACK buttons (10) or (11) shortly to activate automatic seek function. Press for 2 seconds until “MANUAL” appeared on the display, the manual tuning mode is selected. If both buttons have not pressed for several seconds, they will retune to seek tuning mode and “AUTO” appeared on the display. • AUTOSTORE - Automatic Memory Storing Press AST button (7) for 2 seconds. The radio searches for 6 strongest stations and stores them into the presets of the currently selected band. Note: Any stations that were previously stored in this memory bank are replaced by the new stations. 7 English • SOURCE Press SOURCE button (12) to switch between CD and Radio. - Program Scanning Press P. SCAN button (7) shortly to scan all preset stations throughout the entire band. • STATION STORE AND RECALL Press any one of the preset button for 2 seconds to store the current tuned frequency in this memory. Previously stored information in this button will be lost. Press any one of the preset buttons briefly (1 to 6) to recall a station, which had been stored in the memory. RDS (RADIO DATA SYSTEM) OPERATION The RDS data are the PI, PS, TP, PTY, TA and AF data. PI: Program Identification Code Code for identifying program PS: Program Service Name Broadcast station name data expressed in alphanumerically character TP: Traffic Program Identification Identification data for traffic information broadcasting station TA: Traffic Announcement Identification Identification data showing traffic information is being transmitted or not AF: Alternative Frequencies Frequency list of broadcasting station transmitting the same program Setting AF Mode - Press AF button (13) briefly to switch on/off AF mode. - Whenever AF is switched on, symbol “AF” appears on the display. - The tuner will return to Alternative Frequencies whenever the reception signals getting worse. - “ALARM” will be displayed when an emergency broadcasting is received; meanwhile sound output level will be adjusted to the preset output level automatically when the volume control is set at minimum. Regional Program Operation - Press AF button (13) for 2 seconds to switch on or off regional mode. 8 - When region is on, the current listening program remains unchanged. When region is off, it allows the reception moves to the regional station. Using PTY to Select Program The PTY function allows you to search for stations with a particular Program Type. To select your program type, press the PTY button (15): PTY music group PTY speech group PTY off Now you can select the music type or speech type using preset keys 1 - 6 for your selection as listed in below table: Preset number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Preset number 1 2 3 4 5 6 PTY MUSIC group POP M, ROCK M EASY M, LIGHT M CLASSICS, OTHER M JAZZ, COUNTRY NATION M, OLDIES FOLK M PTY SPEECH group NEWS, AFFAIRS, INFO SPORT, EDUCATE, DRAMA CULTURE, SCIENCE, VARIED WEATHER, FINANCE, CHILDREN SOCIAL, RELIGION, PHONE IN TRAVEL, LEISURE, DOCUMENT While selecting PTY engagement, its selection is implemented by preset button as described in notes. When PTY is selected, the radio starts to search corresponding PTY information, and stops of the corresponding PTY information is detected. If corresponding PTY information is not found, normal radio reception is resumed. [. . . ] Cool off or wait until the ambient temperature return to normal. Leave the player off for an hour, then try again. Ensure your phone MUTE is correctly connected. Adjust the installation angle to less than 30 degrees. [. . . ]


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