Mode d'emploi ZYXEL NWA5123AC

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Mode d'emploi ZYXEL NWA5123AC
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Extrait du mode d'emploi : notice ZYXEL NWA5123AC

Les instructions détaillées pour l'utilisation figurent dans le Guide de l'utilisateur.

[. . . ] When the NWA is in standalone AP mode, it can serve as a normal AP, as an RF monitor to search for rouge APs to help eliminate network threats, or even as a root AP or a wireless repeater to establish wireless links with other APs in a WDS (Wireless Distribution System). [. . . ] 3 SSID The SSID screens allow you to configure three different types of profiles for your networked APs: an SSID list, which can assign specific SSID configurations to your APs; a security list, which can assign specific encryption methods to the APs when allowing wireless clients to connect to them; and a MAC filter list, which can limit connections to an AP based on wireless clients MAC addresses. Layer-2 isolation allows you to prevent wireless clients associated with your NWA from communicating with other wireless clients, APs, computers or routers in a network. 6 Layer-2 Isolation List Layer-2 isolation is used to prevent wireless clients associated with your NWA from communicating with other wireless clients, APs, computers or routers in a network. If you configure a new time and date, time zone and daylight saving at the same time, the time zone and daylight saving will affect the new time and date you entered. IPv6 Cache An IPv6 host is required to have a neighbor cache, destination cache, prefix list and default router list. Four years after this Regulation has come into force: (c) Availability of off mode and/or standby mode Equipment shall, except where this is inappropriate for the intended use, provide off mode and/or standby mode, and/or another condition which does not exceed the applicable power consumption requirements for off mode and/or standby mode when the equipment is connected to the mains power source. (d) Power management -another condition which does not exceed the applicable power consumption requirements for off mode and/or standby mode when the equipment is connected to the mains power source. Information to be provided by manufacturers: (c) the characteristics of equipment relevant for assessing conformity with the requirements set out in point 1(c), or the requirements set out in points 2(c) and/or 2(d), as applicable, including the time taken to automatically reach standby, or off mode, or another condition which does not exceed the applicable power consumption requirements for off mode and/or standby mode. [. . . ] MBSSID 12 memory usage 32, 34 message bar 27 messages CLI 24 warning 27 mode 11 managed mode 12 standalone 12 mode changge 12 model name 32 My Certificates, see also certificates 103 P packet statistics 38 physical ports packet statistics 38 pop-up windows 19 power off 18 power on 18 product registration 206 Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) 101 public-private key pairs 100 Q Quick Start Guide 2 R radio 13 reboot 18, 167 vs reset 167 Reference Guide, CLI 2 registration product 206 related documentation 2 remote management FTP, see FTP Telnet 136 WWW, see WWW reports daily 142 daily e-mail 142 reset 175 vs reboot 167 vs shutdown 168 RESET button 18, 175 restart 167 RF interference 13 RFC 2510 (Certificate Management Protocol or CMP) 107 N Netscape Navigator 19 network access control 11 Network Time Protocol (NTP) 120 O objects certificates 100 users, account user 69 Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) 116 vs CRL 116 operating mode 11 other documentation 2 overview 11 NWA5120 Series User’s Guide 213 Index Rivest, Shamir and Adleman public-key algorithm (RSA) 106 root AP 11 RSA 106, 109, 115 RSSI threshold 81 for secure Telnet 134 how connection is established 132 versions 133 with Linux 135 with Microsoft Windows 134 SSID 12 SSID profile pre-configured 12 SSID profiles 12 SSL 122 starting the device 17 startup-config. [. . . ]


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